Monday, October 25, 2010

The Call
Christ needs your youth and your generous enthusiasm for the proclamation of the Gospel! Respond to this appeal by giving your life to him and to your brothers and sisters.”
- Pope John Paul II

One of the great blessings of the work that is entrusted to us is to mentor young men who are faithfully attempting to discern if the Lord is calling them to the priesthood.  We strive to help our young men recognize and have a concrete relationship with Jesus.  They need to know and be known by the Son of God thus leading them to hearing and following Him when He calls.
What our seminarians have in common is a great love for God, and a growing understanding of the Church and their role in it.  They have a desire to see whether or not the quiet wonderings in their hearts and prayers might be unfolding to point toward a stronger path to the priesthood.  Each of them has areas of needed growth, and each has remarkable gifts.  They are much like your priests! God will help them to see what sets their hearts on fire and we have the privilege of watching it all unfold.  Christ continues to call men to serve as His priests, but He counts on us to take part in nurturing these vocations.  If you know young men who have qualities to be good priest, pray for them, and let us know.
Please pray for our seminarians that God’s grace and blessings will be upon them during these years of discernment and formation.
Finally “in a Church which is totally vocational, all are vocation promoters.”  Let us all join in promoting a new culture of vocation in young people and families.  Conscious of the fact that “every vocation is born from in-vocation,” we ask that you “pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

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